Title: The Slow Burn
Chapter: 8 of ?
Fandom: Pitch Black
Synopsis: This is a reworked version of chapter 8 (formerly chapter 7) of The Slow Burn, which was my first attempt at fan fiction. It was semi-successful, but I stopped writing it after I found my real calling with Apprentice. Now I’m revisiting it. The story adds an original character to the group of survivors, and this time around I’m trying to strip away any and all Mary Sue qualities she possessed. In this heavily reworked chapter, Fiona attempts to address a glaring inequity in how Riddick is being treated.
Note: When I first wrote this chapter, I had no idea that one of the hallmarks of a Mary Sue was appropriating actions and dialogue associated with canon characters, and that having Fiona give Riddick her breather was so egregious. While she still shares her breather with him in this version of the chapter, I have attempted to ameliorate it some by having her contemplate how monumental the same action on Shazza’s part would actually be (which then does happen later). Plus, a lot more happens than previously. Hopefully it flows better.
Fiona: Offerings
“So, click your fingers and he’s one of us, now?”
Fiona glanced over toward Shazza and Johns where they walked side-by-side. “One of us?” When you’re treating him like a pack mule?
After all of the fuss and drama, she and the others had finally learned just what Fry, Johns, and the Imam had found on their search for water: a settlement. A human settlement, to be exact, and apparently abandoned, but with supplies left behind. One of the Imam’s three charges, a boy only a year or two younger than her named Suleiman, had tried to tell her and Jack about the wonders they had found there, although his English was limited and he kept slipping back into Arabic whenever he got excited. But the place was apparently solar-powered, large enough to house all of the survivors, had a moisture condenser that he was confident he and his two cousins could get working again… and had a small escape craft.
In the wake of Zeke’s death, the decision to switch camps had been immediate and unanimous. Shazza had told her and Jack to take only what they could easily carry because it was a few hours’ walk. The heaviest necessities had been piled onto a makeshift sled. Riddick, now free of his chains, had been put in charge of dragging it—by those very same chains—while the others walked ahead. Somehow, so far, he had been able to keep up. More or less, anyway. He had started ahead of everyone, but was now bringing up the rear.
There was still anger and hostility in Shazza’s voice as she and Johns talked, as if she still blamed Riddick for Zeke’s death. Fiona sighed and glanced back at the man in question.
Riddick had fallen a little further behind the others since she had last looked back. Only Paris was still near him, laboring under his own weighty burdens. The ridiculous man would have found a way to drag his entire cargo hold with him if they’d allowed him to; as it was, he was almost as heavily-laden as Riddick himself. Most of his sacks appeared to contain large bottles of exotic alcohol. Fiona couldn’t imagine that the heat of the suns beating down on them was at all good for his supply. As she watched, one of the wine bottles fell out of a sack and rolled back, stopping at Riddick’s feet.
Fiona couldn’t actually hear what Paris and Riddick were saying, but the pantomime was enough to stop her in her tracks as she suppressed laughter. When Paris extended his hand for the bottle, Riddick gave him a wide, wolfish smile and pretended they were introducing themselves to each other, shaking his hand rather than putting the bottle into it. As the much smaller man hemmed and hawed, Riddick opened the bottle and drank down the entire contents in one long draught, not even stopping for a breath.
It was only then that she realized that, burdened as he was, Riddick didn’t appear to have any bottles of his own — and she, and Jack, and even the Muslim boys had a bottle apiece of something low-proof and potable — much less—
Bloody hell, they didn’t give him a breather.
Paris passed her, his steps shuffling on the sandy slope but quick with panic and his arms protectively spanning his sacks as he hurried forward. Clearly he didn’t want to lose any more of his loot to the man tasked with dragging most of it. As Riddick approached, his mouth quirking, she unslung her breather from her shoulders and held it out to him.
“Here,” she told him. “I think you need this more than I do.”
He stared at her for a moment, his pace lagging as she moved to walk beside him. She continued to hold the unit out. After a moment, he took it and placed it across his shoulders, over the sled’s chain.
“You sure about this, Fee? You ain’t letting yourself in for a picnic here.”
Her family had always called her that. Oddly enough, hearing him use it didn’t sting as much as she’d thought it might. There was pain, but it was still remote and muted, staying out of the way of the more immediate concerns around her. She nodded. “Maybe if it gets bad you can let me have a hit or something.”
Riddick nodded, a slight smile crossing his face. Then he lifted the breather tube up and took a long drag on it. “Hmm,” he said after a moment, quirking his lips at her.
He leaned over, dropping his voice as if to keep the others from hearing, even though everyone was out of range. “Now I know what your mouth tastes like.” His breath was warm on her cheek, but somehow it sent shivers through her.
Raised voices ahead caught her attention. She and Riddick were entering the canyon Suleiman had described and the others were now leaving them behind, hurrying toward its other end and the slope that would take them into the settlement. Johns glanced back at them, shook his head, and then nudged Jack, who turned and started trudging toward them.
“I think you might be in trouble,” Riddick chuckled.
Johns and Shazza had forbidden Jack from talking to Riddick, but that was hardly going to work with Fiona. She was no child, and had no intention of allowing them to treat her like one. Still, it was clear that Jack was being sent to fetch her away from the Big Bad Wolf, before…
Before what, exactly? Do they think he’s going to throw me down on the ground and have his way with me? And why did that thought make her insides melt?
“Better take this back,” Riddick continued, handing her back the breather. “You know they’ll think I stole it.”
Fortunately, it didn’t seem like anyone had noticed that yet, except maybe Jack. But he was right. Shazza had refused to make another breather for Riddick, although she had claimed that she was just out of parts… all Hell might break loose if she realized he’d acquired one anyway. She was very protective of the gear and of the younger members of the group. It would take an act of God Himself to get her to give Riddick a breather. Or let one of her “kids” — a group that included Fiona whether or not she wanted it to — give him one. That was a battle best avoided.
Before Jack could reach them, Fiona slung the unit back over her shoulders and took a small hit, deliberately lingering on keeping the mouthpiece between her lips.
Am I really doing this?
“Now I know what your mouth tastes like,” she told Riddick. Her voice cracked just a little on the last word and her mouth was suddenly dry.
She couldn’t see his eyes behind the goggles, but the goggles themselves shifted upward just a little. She was pretty sure she’d managed to surprise him.
“Johns says I’m supposed to come get you,” Jack said breathlessly as she joined them. The tall girl, still keeping up her boy masquerade, gave Riddick an apologetic look.
“You two go on ahead,” he said, an amused smile on his face. “I’m not far behind.”
As she and Jack hurried back to the rest of the group, Fiona found herself hoping that, given what seemed to be happening, the younger girl didn’t have a crush on Riddick. Or at least, not enough of one that it would cause problems if—
If what, though? What was happening here? With a pang, she wished Maggie were with her. Of the two of them, Maggie was the one who would have understood just what she was getting herself into.
New (well, revised) Zymy words!! *bounces!*
-“One of us?” When you’re treating him like a pack mule? – Ole Johns has a squiggly definition of one of us!
– A human settlement, to be exact, and apparently abandoned, but with supplies left behind.- Danger, Danger Fiona Robinson!
– … although his English was limited and he kept slipping back into Arabic whenever he got excited. – I love this detail!
– In the wake of Zeke’s death, the decision to switch camps had been immediate and unanimous. – Kind of good idea!
– Somehow, so far, he had been able to keep up. More or less, anyway. He had started ahead of everyone, but was now bringing up the rear. – Given how hot it seemed like the planet was? It really was an impressive feat lol!
– There was still anger and hostility in Shazza’s voice as she and Johns talked, as if she still blamed Riddick for Zeke’s death. – Can’t say that I blame her!
– The ridiculous man would have found a way to drag his entire cargo hold with him if they’d allowed him to; – I would have paid to see that!
– Fiona couldn’t actually hear what Paris and Riddick were saying, but the pantomime was enough to stop her in her tracks as she suppressed laughter. – It was funny! 😀
– Bloody hell, they didn’t give him a breather. – Seeeeee why it was impressive?
– Paris passed her, his steps shuffling on the sandy slope but quick with panic and his arms protectively spanning his sacks as he hurried forward. – LOL! Love that image!
– He stared at her for a moment, his pace lagging as she moved to walk beside him. She continued to hold the unit out. After a moment, he took it and placed it across his shoulders, over the sled’s chain. – It makes soooooo much sense why he’d hesitate!
– Fee.
Her family had always called her that. – Awwwwww!
– He leaned over, dropping his voice as if to keep the others from hearing, even though everyone was out of range. “Now I know what your mouth tastes like.” – His breath was warm on her cheek, but somehow it sent shivers through her. – Look at you, R, trying to be all smooth like. 😀
– “I think you might be in trouble,” Riddick chuckled. – … Prolly in more ways than one, *points to the what her mouth tastes like comment you just made Mr. R lol!
– Before what, exactly? Do they think he’s going to throw me down on the ground and have his way with me? And why did that thought make her insides melt? – See? Trouble! 😀
– She was very protective of the gear and of the younger members of the group. It would take an act of God Himself to get her to give Riddick a breather. Or let one of her “kids” — a group that included Fiona whether or not she wanted it to — give him one. That was a battle best avoided. – Mama Bear would definitely go on attack!
– Am I really doing this? – Yes, yes, you are.
– “Now I know what your mouth tastes like,” she told Riddick. Her voice cracked just a little on the last word and her mouth was suddenly dry. – I can just about hear her voice cracking!
– “Johns says I’m supposed to come get you,” Jack said breathlessly as she joined them. The tall girl, still keeping up her boy masquerade, gave Riddick an apologetic look. – That may be for the best! At least until they get off the sand. 😀
– With a pang, she wished Maggie were with her. Of the two of them, Maggie was the one who would have understood just what she was getting herself into. – Awwwwww!
*grabs you up and bounces!* I love this chapter, the little bits of humor! Almost like the calm before the storm!
Woo hoo! I love your feedback! <3
That he does! Putting Riddick to work like a mule… I doubt Riddick believed his whole “I figure you coulda died in the crash” spiel for even a second.
TY!!! It seemed really strange that the boys wouldn’t know any English at all, given that they were traveling the way they were. Especially since Imam knew English very well. So I figured they just didn’t use it much but could speak at least some.
LOL, it was, especially (as you noted further down) that he did it all without access to a breather.
Paris is a good source for some comic relief, isn’t he? Just such a silly, self-involved character.
At least he isn’t talking about her nipples, right?
Mama Bear would kick him upside the other side of his head. XD
YAY! I love that it’s working so well.
Yeah, even if her insides did go all melty at the thought…
*bounces happily with you!* YAY! It was such a short chapter originally, and pretty much nothing happened except her giving him the breather and him flirting with her. It was just a quick let’s-get-to-the-smutty-scenes-fast setup and kinda pointless. Hopefully now it’s really worth the time to read!
I’ll be in my bunk.