Identity Theft is now The Changeling Game… and ACF is history.

The Changeling Game
The Changeling Game

So the good news is I have new cover art, and a new name, for the story that has been practically writing itself for the last few months. What used to be a 16-chapter story that hadn’t been updated in years is now a 47-chapter (and growing!) opus that has seen its heroines explore some pretty crazy parts of my take on the Riddickverse. Check it out!

The not-so-good news is that, when I came back to the archive to run my latest update and add the new eBooks and revise everything, I discovered that Advanced Custom Fields had changed fundamental aspects of how its coding works, and had broken virtually every archive page in the process of doing so. I’m going to be cleaning their mess up for a few weeks, so pardon the dust around here. Everything’s good with The Changeling Game, though, so that’ll give you something to play with while I get everything else tidied back up. The really crappy part of that news is that the relaunch of AoVD relied on those custom fields even more than my site does, so until we figure a workaround, the relaunch of that site (which is already way behind schedule) is on indefinite hold. I used to sing ACF’s praises, but that recommendation is gone now. Their code is pure garbage and I will never use it, or anything else they make, again.

But look at the pretty cover I now have! Ignore the dust… I love this cover a ridiculous amount. ❤️

Falling Angels is growing!

Heads-up, anyone who has previously downloaded Falling Angels from the archive: a new chapter has been added to the eBook! Chapter 6, “The Cipher’s Warning,” has been added to all eBook formats and the Read Online pages. Chapter 7, “Soul Survivors,” which is currently subject to further edits, is available to read in my Works In Progress section, as well. The addition of Chapter 6 also moves Falling Angels out of the Novelette category and into Novella territory! More will probably be forthcoming soon, because this muse has become quite talkative again.

Edit: Also, check out the new chapter art at the bottom of Chapter 1! More will probably follow!

An Archive-wide Update

Hi everybody! Today all of the eBooks in the archive got some small updates applied to them, so if you want to make sure you’re current, this is a good time to re-download the eBooks of your choice.

While the updates were fairly minor, you will probably notice at least one of them. Every cover got a little bit of a glow-up. Also, some subtle debugging occurred to keep up with the evolving HTML coding standards. While nothing massive happened, it was enough to justify an archive-wide push of new editions. If you look on the title page of your ebook, the newest versions say Rev. 2022.10.09, so if you have an older date there, you might want to download the new version of your book.

Also, a reminder: if you’re reading these books in your Amazon Kindle, you need to download the .mobi file, not the .epub file. Yes, Kindle can open .epub files, but it interacts badly with them and claims that bugs exist where none are actually present (and sometimes on lines of code that don’t actually exist). You’re better off just going with .mobi, which Kindle natively understands and doesn’t screw up. If you’re using Apple Books, however, you definitely want the .epub version

More soon, hopefully!

A few smallish updates

Hi all, after a bit of a hiatus from working on this site, I’m back, and with a few new things. Within the archive itself, little has changed, but there is now an entirely new section, Works In Progress, which is where new stories, and new chapters of existing stories, will appear.

So while you still can’t download The Slow Burn from the archive yet, you can read the first several revised chapters over in the new Works In Progress area. Most of the chapters are heavily-reworked versions of the material I wrote more than 21 years ago, but chapter 5 is completely new. You can leave comments, critiques, and suggestions on the chapters; I love any and all feedback.


Watch this space…

This is where I will be posting updates about individual stories, changes to the Fan Works area, and the like, as opposed to general updates on the main site page. As of today, well, the big news is simply the launch, but I’m also in the middle of writing Chapter 6 of Falling Angels and, of course, tearing apart The Slow Burn like a demented quilter. It’s going to be a bit quiet here for a while, though, as we take everything we learned in getting this site up and running and apply it to test-archives on RGFC and AoVD. (Those sites will take a while longer to launch; getting everything ready for the relaunch here took roughly two months of intensive work, and that was a collection of less than fifty stories. So it’ll take some time to get the other two sites back up.)

So if there’s a particular story you’re hoping to see more of, keep an eye on this page, because this is where you’ll hear about its appearance first.

Ardath Rekha • Fanworks