Synopsis: In the aftermath of the events of The Chronicles of Riddick, a presumed-dead Kyra wakes up with new life in her body and a new companion in her mind, to discover that Riddick has abdicated the Necromonger throne and disappeared. On what was formerly a mercenary vessel, Riddick and a tiny handful of fellow escapees flee Helion Prime and Riddick makes a surprising discovery about the woman he believed was Jack… and her adopted sister. And, on a distant world, a reformed teenage runaway discovers that her past is returning to haunt her with a vengeance. Now Kyra, Riddick, and Jack are on a collision course yet again, and the fate of worlds may hang in the balance.
Category: Fan Fiction
Fandom: The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
Series: None
Challenges: The Live Storytelling challenge
Rating: T (so far)
Orientations: Gen (so far)
Pairings: None (so far)
Warnings: Controversial Subject Matter (Human Trafficking, Child Abuse, Refugee Crises, Genocide, Religious Extremism) and Harsh Language
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The characters and events of The Chronicles of Riddick are © 2004 Universal Pictures, Radar Pictures, and One Race Films; Written and Directed by David Twohy; Based on characters by Ken and Jim Wheat; Produced by Scott Kroopf and Vin Diesel. The characters and events of The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury are © 2004 Universal Cartoon Studios; Directed by Peter Chung; Written by Brett Matthews; Story by David Twohy; Produced by John Kafka and Jae Y. Moh. The characters and events of Pitch Black are © 2000 USA Films, Gramercy Pictures, and Interscope Communications; Directed by David Twohy; Screenplay by Ken and Jim Wheat and David Twohy; Story by Ken and Jim Wheat; Produced by Tom Engelman. This work of fan fiction is a transformative work for entertainment purposes only, with no claims on, nor intent to infringe upon, the rights of the parties listed above. All additional characters and situations are the creation of, and remain the property of, Ardath Rekha. eBook design and cover art by LaraRebooted, incorporating an image created by Merlin LightPainting and licensed through Pixabay, the Rothenberg Decorative font from 1001 Fonts, and background graphics © 1998 Noel Mollon, adapted and licensed via Teri Williams Carnright from the now-retired Fantasyland Graphics site (c. 2003). Chapter 1 illustration by Ardath Rekha, drawing from a photo by 2509chris and a graphic by SilviaP_Design, both licensed via pixabay, along with a screencap of Alexa Davalos. This eBook may not be sold or advertised for sale. If you are a copyright holder of any of the referenced works, and believe that part or all of this eBook exceeds fair use practices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, please contact Ardath Rekha.
Rev. 2023.01.16
Holy hell! I love your use of imagery—specifically, your use of the *lack* of imagery. Audrey’s nightmare and the trigger phrase are both fantastically horrifying! Bravo!
Woo HOO! Yeah, there’s some genuine horror coming everybody’s way. Hopefully all of the hints about it will mesh together effectively. 🙂
Ohhhhh my…. I’m gonna be mad at you, aren’t I!? Poor Ziza!
I remember that smirk of Areon’s near the end of the movie. That was creepy enough to have her believably be a villain. And her “evaporated ass”!!! 😂😂😂
LOL, maybe you’ll be mad at me? We’ll see. Ziza… is in trouble, yeah. What kind of trouble will hopefully become clear soon.
And yeah, Aereon being so smiley at that particular moment felt off to me. Her agenda is definitely in question. Muahahaha!
I like how you’re leaving dribs and drabs of hints about what’s going on!
Yay! Thank you! Hopefully the clues will come together properly. 🙂
I like it so far!!!
Interesting start – I read your fic apprentice first, ad that’s what got me hooked – looking forward to more.