Synopsis: Four years after Pitch Black, Riddick and Jack have settled into a unique “Family” arrangement. (This story was formerly known as “Packmates.” Thank you to Chrysalis for the lovely new title!)
Category: Fan Fiction
Fandom: Pitch Black (2000)
Series: None
Challenges: None
Rating: X
Orientation: Het (Plot)
Pairing: Riddick/Jack
Warnings: Innuendo, Controversial Subject Matter (Child Trafficking, PTSD), Alcohol / Drug Use, Harsh Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Graphic Violence / Gore, Death, and Murder
The characters and events of Pitch Black are © 2000 USA Films, Gramercy Pictures, and Interscope Communications; Directed by David Twohy; Screenplay by Ken and Jim Wheat and David Twohy; Story by Ken and Jim Wheat; Produced by Tom Engelman. This work of fan fiction is a transformative work for entertainment purposes only, with no claims on, nor intent to infringe upon, the rights of the parties listed above. All additional characters and situations are the creation of, and remain the property of, Ardath Rekha. eBook design and cover art by LaraRebooted, incorporating a publicity still of Vin Diesel, a photo of Rhiana Griffith that appeared in the Newcastle Herald, the “Raparperitaivas” font from Font Meme, and background graphics © 1998 Noel Mollon, adapted and licensed via Teri Williams Carnright from the now-retired Fantasyland Graphics site (c. 2003). This eBook may not be sold or advertised for sale. If you are a copyright holder of any of the referenced works, and believe that part or all of this eBook exceeds fair use practices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, please contact Ardath Rekha.
Rev. 2022.10.09
Please finish this!!! I come back every other year lol iv read this so many times xxx
Hi Siobhan!
I’m planning to finish all of my unfinished works. It may be a little while, because I have a few other demanding muses trying to rule my waking hours, but I do still know exactly how the story will play out when I continue it. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until I’m back to it. Thank you so much for asking; that actually helps a lot in terms of planning what to do next. 🙂