Synopsis: “Flash Fiction” refers to super-short stories, generally of 500 words or less. “Drabbles” are works of flash fiction exactly 100 words in length. This is a collection of short-short stories inspired by micro-fiction challenges and fandom interactions. See the notes after each individiual story for further details about each challenge and/or inspiration. Each of these stories is a stand-alone work, unrelated to the others. You can access the individual stories below:
Category: Fan Fiction
Fandom: Pitch Black (2000)
Series: None
Challenges: Ally Ranger’s “Almost-Silent Sex Scene” challenge (“Captive Daydream” and “Payment in Full”), LadyElaine’s “Silent Solutions” challenge (“Holy War”), Ally Ranger’s Drabble challenge (“Lost in the Ocean of Night”).
Rating: M
Orientations: Gen and Het (Plot)
Pairings: None and Mystery Pairing
Warnings: Adult Situations, Controversial Subject Matter (Predatory Grooming Practices, in “Holy War”), Sexual Situations, Death
The characters and events of Pitch Black are © 2000 USA Films, Gramercy Pictures, and Interscope Communications; Directed by David Twohy; Screenplay by Ken and Jim Wheat and David Twohy; Story by Ken and Jim Wheat; Produced by Tom Engelman. This work of fan fiction is a transformative work for entertainment purposes only, with no claims on, nor intent to infringe upon, the rights of the parties listed above. All additional characters and situations are the creation of, and remain the property of, Ardath Rekha. eBook design and cover art by LaraRebooted, using graphics provided by PngWing, the Windsong font from Font Meme, and background graphics © 1998 Noel Mollon, adapted and licensed via Teri Williams Carnright from the now-retired Fantasyland Graphics site (c. 2003). This eBook may not be sold or advertised for sale. If you are a copyright holder of any of the referenced works, and believe that part or all of this eBook exceeds fair use practices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, please contact Ardath Rekha.
Rev. 2022.10.09